Thursday, April 02, 2009

The MOON and the Game

The summer is yet to reach the mid of the season, but the temperature has already reached the peak. This is the time when the Air Conditioner and fan spend maximum time with us than our parents or partner or friends. With loads of hope that I can feel night breeze, I stepped up to my terrace to spend few minutes without the help of fan, but in vain. When I felt it as natural and I need to accept it, the scenes in the sky paused me. The half moon was surrounded by millions of stars. The scene was beautiful and I am not sure why did I feel it as beautiful that night. In fact this is not a rare happening, it happens everyday!!! The truth is I missed it all these days because of the tall buildings, Edison’s artificial lights, internet, mobile phones, books etc. I asked myself, when did I feel the moon finally, the answer is on feb 7th 09, when I was to beach. I felt strange. What made a long gap of 2 months between me and the moon? The moon has played a special role in everyone of our life with or without our sense. All our dinner started with the mom showing the moon when we were kids, all our K.G started with the rhymes about moon, all our high school science started with the info about the moon, all our first poem started expressing the beauty of moon, all our first crush resembles the beauty of moon and all of us wanted to land before our life would end!!! I decided to spend few minutes with nature everyday from then. I don’t want to miss it anymore.

I started enjoying the scene. Oh yeah, those glowing group of stars are my family, star towards north is Gowtham, here comes the couple stars Jugs and Ishu, those invisible stars are Ophy and Godi, hmm that fat white star is Anand, oh there is Mani twinkling his eyes, that chota star is Nisy, the other smiling star is yogi, the other star far alone is Balaji moving nearer, hmmm there is a group of stars from my college, the stars on other side is from my school, haan, here is my other friends, Aazraya and many more left to add with the beautiful Moon at centre which is the LOVE. Wow!!! Am lucky and this game is interesting too …

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